D45- Bridge Resource Management


This course meets the principles laid down in STCW 2010 section A-II/1 and A-II/2.

The trainees who successfully complete this course will gain experience in operating ships under various conditions and will make a more effective contribution to the bridge team during ship manoeuvring in normal and emergency situations.

In particular, trainees will gain:

  • Familiarization with the bridge hardware, navigational equipment and integrated systems;
  • Knowledge of ship hierarchy, management and crew interaction and responsibilities;
  • An understanding of the effects on the behavior of the ship of wind, current, shallow water, banks and narrow channels;
  • Preparation for preventive measures and activities in emergency situations on board;
  • A greater awareness of the importance of planning a passage or manoeuvre and the need for an alternative plan;
  • A greater awareness and understanding of a good interactive communication style and benefit of building up a common shared mental model of the planned passage;
  • Knowledge about common human errors and accidents that may occur through case studies and dialogs;
  • Awareness of hazards and its consequences.

Trainees wishing to enter this course should have minimum completed exams for the OOW, and also have completed a course of training which meets or exceeds the standard set out in IMO Assembly resolution A.483 (XII) - Training in radar observation and plotting.

This Training Centre has been approved by international Maritime Authorities such as LMA, MCA and others. A trainee who successfully completes training course and internal examination, BRM Certificate will be issued as documentary evidence by Ship Management -approved Training centre.

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